"Seek ye first the kingdom of God
and His righteousness, and all these things
will be added unto you."
Testimonies and Contact Information

Writer, Blogger, Realtor, Nana
Amanda A. Texas
During the 8th month of my pregnancy, I experienced a life-changing moment when I was baptized and surrendered my life to Jesus as my King. This decision has made an incredible impact on my life, especially during the toughest of times. Jesus has taken control and transformed my life in ways that I could never have imagined.
Through my faith in Jesus, I have experienced blessings and successes beyond what I could have accomplished on my own. His love and grace have been a constant source of strength and support, and I am forever grateful for the ways in which he has worked in my life.
Contact: praymethrough@yahoo.com

Mother, Wife, Small Business Owner
Kasey C. Texas
From a young age, I gave my heart to Jesus and trusted in his love and guidance. However, when my family experienced a devastating event during my teenage years, I found myself becoming rebellious and lost. It was during this dark time that we turned to Jesus for comfort and healing, and our lives were forever changed.
Since then, Jesus has been my constant rock and refuge, providing me with strength and hope during times of trouble. He has been my faithful healer, mending the brokenness within my heart and bringing me to a place of peace and restoration. Above all, he has been my dearest friend, walking with me through every joy and trial of life.
I am grateful for the unwavering love and grace that Jesus has shown me and my family, and it is my hope that his light and love can also touch the lives of those around me.
Contact: Kaseyleann01@gmail.com
Nurse, Teacher
Crystal A. Florida
When I was five years old, I asked Jesus to come into my heart. Weekly Sunday school lessons taught me that He had died to take away my sin and give me everlasting life. Five years later, I was baptized as a sign and a seal of my belief and faithfulness. For nearly fifty years, He’s been near and dear to me and has helped me through many hardships. I look forward to eternal unification with Him and my loved ones in heaven one day.

Retired, Grandma, Wife
Evelyn N. - Florida
I have consistently believed in Jesus Christ as my Savior throughout my life, despite facing challenges. Recently, I felt a sense of relief and abundance after after being baptized on the beach a few years go. I now frequently pray and talk to Jesus as my Father and rely on him daily as my constant companion who protects and helps me. I am greatful for his support and would not be where I am today without him.

Mom, Nurse, Student
Elizabeth C - Louisiana
Jesus was someone that I always knew. Prayer was something that was not only encouraged but demonstrated in my family growing up. Even as a young child, there were two things I was certain of. One, guardian angels were real. Two, Jesus was always there whether you realized it or not.
However, I did not realize that life as you grew was full of uncertainty. It is within these times of uncertainty that you learn to you need Jesus the most. It is within these times that you learn why he is truly your Lord and Savior. It is within these times that you are shown the power of prayer. It is within these times that you learn why he is your Lord and Savior.
If it were not for the challenging times, I would never have confided in him as much as I did. It is through the hard times that we get to see why he is our greatest confidante, our one true defender, and protector. It is through the hard times that I learned the power of prayer. It is through the power of prayer that I was taught the good times are when we have the opportunity to see those prayers answered.
Jesus truly saved me over and over again through my lifetime. Today, I am forever grateful to Him and the lessons learned. He has not only shown me the reason why he is the King of my heart but also my families. Jesus, lead me to a 4 year degree in Ministerial Biblical Studies and a career in the Medical Field. I get to do two things that I love. I get to Evangelize while I help the Body of Christ.
Contact: Lcoutee8202@gmail.com