"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."
Expressions of the Soul!
If the biblical book of Psalms were written in today's culture, it might be called something like "Expressions of the Soul" or "Heartfelt Reflections." The Psalms are essentially a collection of poetic and musical expressions of the human experience, ranging from lament and grief to praise and thanksgiving.
In today's culture, where self-expression and authenticity are highly valued, a modern-day version of the Psalms might be embraced as a means of connecting with and expressing one's deepest thoughts and emotions. It might be seen as a tool for processing and working through the challenges and joys of life, and for finding comfort and hope in the midst of difficult circumstances.

"Expressions of the Soul"

All the Glory Belongs to God!
All glory belongs to God above, For all creation points to His love. The stars obey His every command, And all nature praises His mighty hand.
The mountains stand tall in majesty, And the seas declare His sovereignty. The animals bow in humble awe, And the birds sing praises without a flaw.
The darkness trembles at His name, And the demons flee in fear and shame. All life returns to Him in the end, And His praises forever ascend.
Mankind boldly marches toward His throne, For in Him, our souls find a home. We lift our voices in joyful praise, For in His love, we find our grace.
All glory belongs to God on high, For He is the Lord of the earth and sky. Let us bow before Him in reverence and awe, And sing His praises forevermore.