God Speaks & Creation Listens (7/12)- God Calls Animals to Noahs Ark
Genesis 7:9 in the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) says: "two of each, male and female, came to Noah and entered the ark, just as God had commanded him."

We’ve all seen the iconic image of Noah’s Ark in movies and children’s books, but let’s take a moment to imagine the scene more vividly: The massive ark towers in the background, its woodwork freshly sealed. The sky darkens, heavy with the promise of rain. Then, from every direction, animals begin to arrive. Two by two, male and female, they come—lions padding silently, elephants lumbering with slow grace, birds soaring above, and insects creeping along the ground. There’s no chaos, no confusion—just calm obedience as they enter the ark, just as God commanded. This wasn’t a random migration; it was creation responding to its Creator’s voice, a breathtaking display of God’s sovereignty over all life.
While mankind often wrestles with free will, doubting or delaying obedience, the animals show up without question. No debates, no hesitation—just simple, unquestioning trust in their Maker. What a humbling reminder of God’s sovereignty and provision, even through His creatures

The animals were part of God's plan for renewal and restoration after the flood. They weren’t an afterthought but an essential part of His covenant with Noah to repopulate the earth (Genesis 9:9-10). Each pair, male and female, represented the continuation of life. God’s call to the animals demonstrates His care not just for humanity but for all living things. They were created to fill the earth, bring balance, and provide resources for mankind's survival.
From the towering giraffes to the smallest sparrows, every kind of creature found a place on the ark. Clean animals (those suitable for sacrifices) were brought in groups of seven, while unclean animals came in pairs (Genesis 7:2-3). Noah and his family were tasked with feeding and caring for this vast assortment of creatures. Imagine the daily responsibility—cleaning, feeding, and tending to the needs of the animals for over a year (Genesis 7:11-12; 8:14). It must have been an extraordinary act of stewardship and trust in God’s provision for strength and resources.
The floodwaters covered the earth for 150 days, but the full duration of their time on the ark stretched over a year. During this time, the animals remained safe under God’s protection, sheltered from the chaos outside. It’s a testament to God’s faithfulness that not a single creature was lost during this long journey.
Genesis 7:24 (CSB): "The water surged on the earth 150 days."
When the ark came to rest and the doors were finally opened, the animals emerged into a cleansed and renewed earth. From these pairs of creatures came the incredible diversity of life we see today. The lions that roam the savannah, the birds that soar through the skies, and the insects that crawl on the ground—all trace their lineage back to the ark.

If God cared so deeply for the animals—calling them, sheltering them, and ensuring their future—how much more does He care for us? As Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:26,
"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
Are you not much more valuable than they?" The animals responded instinctively to God’s command, but we, with our gift of free will, are invited to choose to trust Him.
Today, as we navigate the challenges of life, let the story of Noah’s ark remind us of God’s unmatched provision and faithfulness. He doesn’t force His love on us, but He shows it in every sunrise, every creature, and every promise kept. Trust the One who cared for the sparrows on the ark—He’s got you, too.
Skeptics, Beware: This Video About Noah’s Ark Will Change Your Mind!
Amanda Allen, the author of Kingdom Revelations, holds the copyright to her works and art. Copyright © Amanda Allen, Kingdom Revelations, 2025. All rights reserved. This article may be shared with acknowledgment of the author and the original source.
